Video 31
Bhagavatam - 2.2.35 - 2.3.25 ( Book 2, Chapter 2, Verse 35 - Chapter 3, verse 25)
[Music] [Music] we salute bhagavan sri krishna the son of vasudeva the destroyer of the demons kangso and chanura and the dear darling of the mother devaki and the leader of the world we salute him again and again on peace peace peace so we are reading the book 2 chapter 2 and we'll start today from 35 verse so we are reading how the yogi will be leaving the last breath and will go and from plane to plane and then get into the plane of freedom so we read last time the they will dissolve their senses and yogi has attained a state of higher plane the highest state of brahmanda and goes beyond the described the all categories evolved from the prakriti which has come out for the 24 cosmic principles these cells and the yogis pass from grocer to the subtler to the level and identification with it and then lingasarira attends oneness with the presby the earth element and from that it goes to the final element of earth water water element and from that it goes to the fire animal to air element ultimately to the space element which is a symbol of all permitting brahman then how the yogi transcends the subtle aspects of elements out of which are formed objects of the senses are stated now the senses of smell he dissolves in the subtle element that means everything is withdrawing from the gross to the subtle to the subtle to the subtle and dissolving in prakhiti he becomes closed with bliss like that he goes ultimately to that 24 cosmic principles the root of that is named prakiti purusha prasprakhiti purusho plus prakhi prakri has 24 principles he goes back back back back to the prakhiti yogi can control let it not mind and don't go out so we're drawing everything from withdrawing with drawing with drawing with dragon train and today come to the last to the prakhiti the dissolved in pragati he becomes clothed and that is next is the bliss no purusha puru prakriti plus purushana so this prakriti is very close to purusha the consciousness it is individual it's according to philosophy we are talking not according to vedanta so sankhya philosophy with the individual soul withdrawing because each soul yogi he dies and he senses control the pranic prana buy you the control so that it does not go to the lower channel to the not to the mouth channel etcetera etcetera till brahman so that we did from there it withdraws from it goes to the subtle element the gross element is there then with the earth element water element fire element is that that that that pancho bhuta and then goes to the ultimate in the proceeding the root and then dissolved in prakhiti he becomes clothed with bliss because the beyond is this purusa of this uncle and then abandoning all adjuncts he becomes one in nature with the self which is utter peace and bliss so almost he becomes very peaceful there being in the contact with the purusha encircled by purusa oh dear one he who goes along the path leading to the lord never returns to the lower plane if he goes on this way this way this way and reaches there after reaching there they don't come back they move on and that's why in the gita bhagavad-gita it says that the path of light like moves on and on and on and from there they don't return that means onward johnny still continues so o king these are the two paths of spiritual progress eternals spoken in the vedas of which you want to know the first is the path of immediate salvation and the other is the gradual salvation it is called the jivan mukti another is called kroma mukti okay chroma chromosome chrome on a in sequence step by step step by step these are the two paths bhagavan vasudeva himself revealed this this knowledge to brahma who worshipped him with great devotion in ancient times and this knowledge was given by bhagavan narayana vishnu to brahma and brahma he was worshiping narayana with great devotion there is no other path spiritual fulfillment so easy and safe for being caught up in the sanctuary as the path of devotion to the world so there are yogic path this path that path but this is the teaching given by bhagavan narayana then that is what is that bhakti devotion there is no easy path easier path than that of bhakti that is the message of the bhagavata all are there but bhakti love unconditional love for god is the easiest way to reach him to go out of the samsara for brahma himself impartially scrutinized the vedas thrice with deep concentration and the conclusion she arrived was that the most efficient means of spiritual evolution is what generates intense devotion to see huri even in the brahma who is the creator he studied the vedas and intensely three times he went to all the vedas and he came to the conclusion easiest way is to love god and to be devoted to god so today here we start from verse 35 this is the previous reading so 35 verses from the workings of the inherently enough entities like the buddhist the senses etc in an intelligent and purposive way and from such other aid useful for inference it can be seen that srihori dwells as the indwelling spirit and witnessing in all beings so from the workings to my buddhi is working no my mind is working from this workings of inaudible inner intent it is like buddhi beyond the eyes ears buddhist intellect is very inherent inside the senses etc in an intelligent and purposive way from such other aids useful for inference it can be seen by inferring we can see that srihori dwells god dwells indwelling spirit as witness so this is the point this eye is saying in vedantic way who sees the eyes you don't see so who sees like that so go to the mind mind does not see who's his mind mind is by the buddhi buddhist by the ego ego is by the atman the light of jatman so it is the self that is the point so hari and that is named in the devotional text as hari the lord we call kri ramakrishna it is called krishna it is called rama and then devotional term therefore king man should always hear about what praise and remember they all perfected srihori in all context in all seriousness and with deep attention so what should be our major purpose of life we should it is said that you one should be always here in the year what about the praise of the lord and always what we should do remember the all-perfect lord huri krishna narayana to hear about him to remember about his auspicious glories glorious life and and deeds in the context of seriousness and deep with all seriousness and deep attention deep concentration deep attention one should do this whoever imbibe the nectar of divine excellence feeling the cup of their ears with that immortal drink say baby this poetic way of saying you know whoever invite the nectar of divine excellence when is in the bhagavata as we are reading now and filling the cup of their ears it is like a capno you are filling with water here with them with the stories of the divine sport of bhagavan krishna you know who fills their ear with this type of thought not with ravi's thoughts rabbis worldly nasty mundane and talks remember all perfect uh in peeling up the cup of their ears with that immortal drink they verily will have their hearts purified of all the impurities if they fill up their ear day and night with the holy life holy sports of the lord think of him remember him constantly their hearts will be purified of all impurities with which the context of the senseless life have been poisoned them they're all poisoned or colored all many covered by the impermanent thoughts and ideas of the world and worldliness they will be counteracting with the thought of god when you're hearing that means don't hear anything but god so if one does that very sincerely they really will attend to his lotus feet so this is the chapter ends here second chapter which says that this that means love to god is the easiest path other than making so much of philosophical inquiries and filling your ear with the holy message of the lord holy glory is of the lord his life his pastime so if you hear krsna's story krsna's life and we call ramakrishna's life ramakrishna's childhood ramakrishna's play inductionist or ramakrishna's play in the kashipur garden house or in calcutta wherever he is going no if you can keep your mind always or here always charged with this type of pouring information so that will purify the all the senses mind and intellect that will be purified purified from what which is being polluted by the poison of world and worldliness so this is the conclusion of the second chapter that devotion is the best and easiest path for spiritual experience and life now the third chapter starts here second book third chapter there is a devotion two times we love god with motive without any motive i love you only for love's sake i don't want anything oh lord only give me devotion that's my prayer i don't want anything from you but only you that is called the unmotivated and the other is the motive i i pray to you oh lord please do this for me please i ask this favor from you please help me with this no when we do these are called the with motive the devotion without motive and with motive that is the discussion now chapter 3. so it says the supreme being alone is worshipped through all deities no they this is si suka suka dev is again saying i have been answering your question what is it that thoughtful men especially those who are approaching death should bestow their serious attention upon so the question was made by pariksit that what is that thoughtful mind a thinking mind a person who is really a person of intuitive uh intuitive spirit what you will ask especially those who are approaching death particularly when death is approaching when we are getting close to death what should bestow their serious attention what are we should we focus our attention ramakrishna said in the gospel no when even he is going to die within few minutes he is looking at the oil lamp in those days he used to say reduce the weak too much oil are you now not to think of the oil deep your son grandson granddaughter they will think about those things your time is now for to be focused on god but that does not happen that's why at the point of death what should we a thoughtful person think while at the when the death is approaching what is that person thinking misused there is god then if the god is there there is no problem then then he is saved they say no ramakrishna said oh what will happen to them when i die if they are wasteful like this how they will survive they will be not utmost poverty so so he's saying that he if they don't be careful about wasting things like that that's also love but that is not the time to think about others because you are now living you will have no power to do anything in the world how much you want to protect the world even what we do when we are able to do what is our power how much good we can do to anyone to your son to your daughter you think that that will be good this is good can you do anything there's nothing we can do so it says one who desires to have the luster of vedic learning should adore brahma from whom the vedas have come those who seek power of the senses should worship the indra and those who desire progeny the prajapatis the seeker of wealth should worship sri devi a brilliance the deity of agni brilliance the deity of agni of wealth the basu and the powers the rudras the seeker of footsteps should worship aditi of heaven the twin of kingdom the vishvadevas and the popularity the sadhdayas the seeker of longevity should worship ashini devas of strength of body the bhumi devi and of security dio and bhumi who are parents of the worlds the seekers of beauty should worship gandharvas of women women the officers like urbasi and of sovereignity overall brahma the lord of the worlds the seekers of pain should worship visnu of the immense wealth baruna he means if you want to immense wealth then you worship baruna or learning para parameter and of happy conjugal life uma the seeker of dharma should worship vishnu as uttama sloka and of increase of progeny the pit trees of security from position of ghosts jak sasha and strength in physical marutas the seeker of kingdom should worship manus and the devas of destruction of enemies by black magic the rakshasa niriti and of sexual satisfaction soma but those who have no desire worship this supreme being who transcends nature so he has given that's the hindu gods and goddesses very democratic all gods and goddesses are appointed their gods they you can approach them and they will your desire will be fulfilled but if you want devotion then you have to go to to transcend all the nature because nothing is satisfying these are all temporary game so we have given the least big list of our human desires and how we can satisfy them that tree so many mantras are there for all these gods and goddesses jagna also the fire only carries your wish and oblation to the deity you know you take a medicine what happens when it goes to your system all the water there all the hungry bacterias or cells or whatever they come and out of the medicine which they are hungry for that type of people cells they go cells or what you call i don't know they take that medicine that's other is how the medicine gets assimilated into our system and improves our deficiencies beta been d c we call about so in the blood all are there but who will take what so so like that human mind has infinite number of desires like if you want to desire have the luster of vedic learning you are you have to be right with the learning vedic wisdom and learning then you should have the adore brahma from whom the vedas have come out all the vedas have brahma expressed all these three vedas so through the three mouth it says so you worship brahma then you get the vedic wisdom in your own expression people will look at you and say oh my god he is a scholar vedic scholar great vedic scholar so those who seek power for the senses senses means all the senses the power of the eyes ears etc so you worship the indra god indra those who desire progeny children and others they should worship prajapati so this type of system was there in ends and time that's why hindus have so many gods and goddesses because you need not have to go to the boss for asking for one painting we used to give simple example now it is more detailed example we say you need my money you go to mother looks me no mother looks me this is me and we do the puja a mother will give some material prosperity and things no you want learning you go to mother sarasota and say oh ma sarah suti you give it but if you want mukti mother sorry city cannot give mukhti because she is normally with the empowered with the power of giving the wisdom knowledge but if you think that she is brahman then then you can realize everything but you think that mass horror city only the solar city goddess of learning so you want to learn something art music and all these talents you know worship that's why you worship ma for money knowledge of thee then the seeker of wealth you want money wealth so yourself see devi laxmi sridevi sridevi means me a brilliance like fire has a brilliance you want to have such brilliant look and things you go to worship the agni devata of wealth you go to the basu's ostriches like that we have read that so so many gods and goddesses god has created has and empowered them to do all his work so that he need not have to bother about all this big boss only talks about big things huh say we want one thousand two thousand ten thousand the lower official can take care but that official is empowered by the boss it is not his power he has no power for money to give anything but narayana the lord has given distributed the power like this and it is his power only through all this his power is getting manifested so this is the way so they have given so many names if we count how many how many maybe 20 or 25 names we found no are the gods and goddesses who can meet our needs our necessities worldly necessities someone is asking for brilliance someone for wealth someone for beauty someone for progeny someone for the the vedic wisdom all this you can worship but lastly it is said but those who have no desires no desires i don't want anything so why you will go to other gods and goddesses if you don't need why will you go to other you you need you go to the grocery shop when when you know need some something to cook if you feel it is not your need then why you go to that shop now we have what is called a big shopping mall in one place you can get everything no but if you don't need anything why shall you go there that's why those who have no desires they worship them no desire sarvo kaamova but you can say he has the all desires in one place what is called the moksha kama liberation udaardi they are very broad-minded they consented all their attention and love for god for mukti for liberation all these energies which others are searching for going there going here but this real genuine bhakta he will understand these are all even if i get it will go away so he concentrates his whole energy and channelizes it towards bhakti towards devotion so the one being to be adored with intense devotion by all what is that whether they be devoid of all desires either maybe they have no other desires or whether they be desires of all enjoyment you will get god then you get everything either you say i don't want anything of these petty things i want you and then or you get god who is the source of all so if you get god then you get everything or whether they may be sick or some liberation is the supreme person the one god of all that means god ultimately those who love god they get everything because they give up all these petty things first but when he reaches god he gets everything the whole world becomes his that's why the vedanta path is also same bhakti path is also same first vedantas is not this don't get attached to these sense objects don't get attached to your mental inclination no no not this not this not this everything is annihilated and then what he i am that i am that no when you reach i am that then what happens must be when you become one with the brahman you lack nothing everything you are that brahmana so what do you miss so so akamu sarva kaamu beautiful word either you don't desire anything because all these deities just in the bhakti path by propheciating them they will be kind enough to give us the grace so that our worldly prosperity worldly name worldly power popularity all these will come but one understands this will go away so with the same effort if i can give up everything and run for the nara you know the bhagavan then i will get everything verse number 10 in other words all the deity is mentioned above are nothing but his manifestation narayana's manifestation and all their powers stem from him the lord so a man of intelligence worships the supreme being alone through all the deities saying man of intelligence knows mother laxmi is not separate from mother durga our mother ogni devi is not ogni devotee is not separate from it they are all brahman with this knowledge if they want to worship blocks me the worship blocks me as brahman other people will be worshiping as laksmi only can give wealth but through the looks me for a desiring there if they really understand the real nature of sarupa of any god or goddess such a real seruco is the energy the power is from brahman keno punished kenobi nation says that the gods and goddesses were sitting together and they were all talking about the glory how they killed the destroyed the demons and then everyone was taking the pride what agni devota the fire god says oh what did i do you know i burnt everything to asses and the fire wind god says do you know what i do i blasted everything in a split second huh so everyone is talking about their own glory water god of water i flooded everything and torrential tsunami i created and all smashed into a split second and then suddenly when they are talking about their own glories then there appeared one divine form which is neither looks like a man nor looks like a god or goddess or demon or asura nothing so they could not recognize and said then in draw record of all the gods he said hey god of wind you go and check on who is this incognito person standing here and and then he went with all pride i am the god of wind or fire who went fast anyhow either of them so he went and probably when god went past and then said he went and as soon as he approached that incognito of the person which cannot be recognized they said he said who are you but the god great dignity he said who are you and when god says don't you know i am in god but what what is doing god king birjamiti what is your power then you have to god devata what is your power oh i can just blow out everything and similarly agni devata i can burn everything to asses ashes then he said oh is it so okay here is a blade of grass this this tiny burn it or blow it out oh that says that they exercised all their power but could not move or could not burn that simple piece of straw and they with humility they being embarrassed they left came back to the the gods assembly and said i could not recognize i could not recognize then in row everyone requested indra yugo you are the god among gods you are the raja king of us so you go and he went and as soon as he approached this other sadly saw that some appearance is there and this disappeared and intro being more intuitive more spiritual so he set for meditation and then you can open says and there appeared mother durga umam um and uma appeared mother uma and was very pleased and was trying to give blessings then the indra said ma before you give your blessings please tell me who is this guy whom we none of our gods could recognize and i was bewildered because disappeared from my vision huh who is well you don't understand he is the brahmana by whose power you become indra you become mean god they become fire god if he is not there you are meaningless you have no power that's why they couldn't they failed so they didn't recognize their identification with the brahman so this is the point that's why the intelligent worship whom the supreme being alone to all these deities they are worshiping so the people can worship any god or any goddess that's why it is a shiva linga or it is a image of rama krishna or anything because brahman is everywhere you can take any symbol or an any expression of the divine but if you think it is the power of brahman then you reach up to brahman and if you make an optimum limit that he can give me wealth only so you are restricting the power of mother loves me only up to that so that's why it is said that so man of intelligence those who have enough knowledge and wisdom they worshipped the supreme being alone through all the deities 11 verse the ultimate object of all worship is the generation of unswerving devotion to the supreme being that supreme being in us in this text is narayana we call krishna so you can call any it leads to liberation the highest destiny of man by association with holy men devotion develops in an aspirant what happens by association with the holy man how this devotion will grow in us in this bhagavata and in ramakrishna gospel you can find oh i am not seeing the face of you is blocked sit in a way you can sit in the left go to the left extreme left extreme left change your seat yeah there is no obstacle yeah so he says that by association with the holy men devotion develops in an aspirant devotion is which is within us it will develop with the holy association holy people because they remind us of god and ramakrishna said sadhu-sanga holy association go to an isolated place and do sadhu-sanga holy company who will not feel delighted in the account of the lord's actions and excellencies listening to which spontaneously generates bhakti that means unless he is a very worldly person any devoted person generates love love for god how with the holy company when you hear about that when you see someone who is dedicated to god our desire also increases association it is called the glory of association you associate with anything your mind gets colored you mind is like a liquid water you put it in a cup it takes the shape of the cup you put it in a saucer it becomes flat like that in a bowl it becomes bold water has no color so it takes the shape of the content where you keep mind is like that mind you keep in god it will be colored in god's color that's why when you hear about god from a devotee then it generates love for god those only pundits they talk that does not generate because they have no love for god here so it does not come out so who will not feel delight in the accounts of the lord's actions and excellencies listening to which spontaneously generate bhakti the experience of which is considered equal to mukti bhakti itself is mukti which is considered equal to attaining mukti what is mukti mukti is nothing else then attaining to bhakti which bestows illumination what the bhakti and mukti gives it gives you bhakti means love love unites with your deity you know you unite yourself with the lord of the universe that way you get identified there so it gives illumination knowledge that destroys all blinding patterns of the heart and it consequently generates non-attachment and the joy of the spirit so this bhakti itself is mukti and bhakti in itself is it gives us illumination it removes our ignorance destroys the blinding passions what is our problem of not loving god because our lower lower desires are there and that drags us so that attention to the lower objects is destroyed bhakti destroys that there is that's why he called it is ishwaran that tremendous the attachment to god will destroy the worldly attachment we have attachment but this attachment to withdraw we need to have the pure devotion to god and consequently generates non-attachment and as a result joy of the spirit then we feel that we are established in joy so bhakto is established in jail ganny he also is established in joy you know because he touches the ground of all the saccidana and being there he feels totally um covered with bliss as it were now we'll read the first number 13 to 25 where it is mentioned a life lived without bhakti without your bhakti your devotion is useless foreign for meaningful living you know a person lives a life but have no bhakti for god so what is the life life is like a plant life like a life of an animal is born yet survived bought and one day died so this human life is a waste so but a life lived with god with love bhakti that is useful so it is useless to live a life without bhakti that is the chapter or you can division this few verses are talking about sonaka said 13 verse after having heard these words of sukhadeva noted for his learning and spiritual experience what else did then parikshit the leader of bharata dynasty ask so it is the question sonoka is asking to the narrator what happened was responding to this after this response that without bhakti right is meaningless why bhakti itself gives us mukti it gives illumination and it destroys positively gives illumination destroys the blinding passions of the heart and generates attachment to the lord and one is established in joy and spirit no so this is being said then what else then sukhadev said so that is the question on the thirteen fourteen verse says where pious men where pious men meet there certainly will occur much talk about the lord it says wherever holy people past people they meet together they are certainly will occur much talk about lord as you go two politicians five politicians sit together they talk about politics sports people even two sports people sit together they'll be talking about sport those people who are stock market people when they sit they will talk about stock market similarly pious people devoted people when they sit together they'll talk about lord the the ramakrishna in his say that he could not bear with the worldly talk then he's talking you read the gospel you go to ramana morsi how much time he's talking about worldly mundane thing whatever he's speaking it is all atman brahman brahman and there is no end of this simple two words atman brahman people ah who am i who am i who are you etc so they say we have heard once we need how many times we have to read this but they love but they love to talk about that and so intensely they rejoice in that so wherever pious men meet their fourteen verse they are certainly will occur must talk about the lord you ought to tell us of the talks that took place on that occasion to us who are very desirous of hearing about it so it is the question earnest seeker is questioning what sukadeva then continued to talk about holy talks 15 indeed that hiro pariksit parikshit the grandson of pandavas is such a great devotee of the lord that the worship of krishna was his favorite play even in the days of his childhood the devotees always do that and from the childhood they play with krishna baby krishna they in in india that is a common practice gopala the widows they start practicing gopala as their own son and child and live with gopala gopala there is on gopala's ma mother of gopala with ramakrishnas no and as for sukha who is the son of vyasa he is the most noted among the devotees of the lord when so many holy persons meet and they are all meeting the holy sages are assembled into that meeting just remember when maha maharaja pariksit is in the naomi shaarana and all the sages have accumulated and then sukhodeb came in that meeting so it is the association of the holy people they will not like to hear about anything mundane so that atmosphere is spiritually charged when so many holy personalities meet surely there must have been much talk about the lord a man has really lived 17 months a man has really lived only during those moments of his life that have been spent in the thought of the lord no this is the point that a person's right living is when when he lives with god when he hears about god when he talks about god that is the right living vain are the lives of the rest their lifespan being merely food for time capital time because clicking of the time time is away our life so those who don't listen to god or god's holy word or speak about them or meditate upon them their life is in vain useless rather who do they not the lives of the rest their life span being merely food because time eats away their life to swallow through its jaws of sunrise and sunset sun rises yesterday and whole day is gone talking chattering in about the world and mundane things of the world sunset another clicking of the time automatically went one day of life is gone tomorrow is gone another day another day and one day last day has come i am on the verge of death then you say what did you do you asked what did you do what did you achieve what did you do you will achieve that so you talk about stock market you go to stock market now you talk about whatever your mind will be dwelling on that it will go in that plane where stock markets are there good stock markets people [Music] that is unnecessary what if you didn't attend illumination on the path of party but you developed love for god your whole life what if you didn't attain that achieved then god will pull you automatically as that did they say you need not have to come back with that love will pull you into more and more inbound or if you are born you will be born gita says you will be born as a very intelligent child in the family of a householder where in the from the childhood days you will find the spiritual atmosphere our spiritual life starts when someone may be 20 someone maybe 30. someone may be 50 someone maybe 70 but a child on a baby born in a family whose mind is chanting the vedic mantras whose father is doing living a pious life and an auspicious situation singing the glories of god which we should get that environment must austerity is necessary because you have done so much he's born in that environment as a result what happens his old practices they get more brighter and in most and they get more steeped into childhood days onwards they made it dead start meditating their mind does not go for world and worldliness because he has done so much sadhana and he has fallen in love with god so that is the benefit of that do not the trees leave their life span eighteen bars the plants you plant a seed it sprouts and become they also live do not belows take in and send out air do not animals domestic and wild eat and mate tell us what is human life worth if it is fulfills only these very same functions god has given the great opportunity a brain is given the eyes are given can see some beauty god's beauty years are given to hear about glory of god if one lives like these animals um what his human life work if it fulfills only this same functions like the animals domestic wild eat and met nidra bio mauitanum these are the few characteristics of every every creature in the world in the human being only something great if they have utilized it otherwise it is like leading a lap life of incense in life of the trees and plants and animals and beasts like that that means the verse is saying many hearts words but their life is not utilized for proper purpose he into whose years the lord's name has not entered why not entered it hit and went back many people if you talk about god two minutes they will be there third third minute they'll say okay you stay i'm going somewhere there are people in the world is it not and some people will be with the tears what is the distinction he has get absorbed in the lord's pure thought mind has become purified his same words entering into the eardrum of both one feels aversion another feels attraction so he into whose years the lord's name has not entered it is not rebounding but it has entered he is a man in form on shape and size but in fact only an animal a dog a pig a camel an ass they like it but they are so disgusted their life is like like that type of animal a pig pig also lives yes but yeah pigs pig's enjoyment of course speaks in german and the year into which the words dealing with the lord's excellencies have not entered is a mere cavity is a cavity nothing more he whose perverse tongue has never uttered the lord's name and praises is barely as dis despicable as the tongue of a frog frog frog frog frog whole night in mexico and the sound of the frog no disturbing the peace of others and whole night he's awake he's doing big job and saying oh what a sonora's music so the same this tongue which does not talk about god is like that my god this is the verse number 20 20 bile it is beautiful jiva 21 the head of a man [Music] though bedecked with silk and turbans and items is with all its adornments just a burden if it does not bow down before the lord head and the hand that never serves lord is verily a cadaverous limb in this in spite of the brilliant bracelets on it no but the brilliant bracelets are all are there but it is like that the eyes that are not accustomed to see the image of the lord and the holy men are as purposeless as the eyes in the center of a peacock feather in the peacock feather there is an eye so it is like that this eye is like that and the feet that never traded the way to the holy centers of his worship are no better than those of trees that cannot move the man is merely living corpse as a dead body who has never contacted the dust of the feet of the devotees who have never touched take the dust or the devotees of the holy people no a breathing course is he who has never bid the fragrance of the tools he lives to lucy is called hodi with which the lord's feet have been worshipped that means you never touched a holy tulasi leave and don't offer it to the lord then it is your breathing a breathing course is he who's never bid but there is a beautiful fragrance in the tulla sili now tula city people eat and drink is very popular now tulsi tulsi tree it's a plant tulsi plant we offer it to the lord a man whose heart is unmoved whose eyes said no tears and hairs stand not on end when the lord's name are uttered he verily it's possessed of a heart of stone you are a very good-hearted but in the name of god your hair does you don't get a thrill in your body then you are like a stone oh beloved one you who have been discouraging on matters dear to our hearts may you be pleased to tell us what the great spiritual luminaries sri sukadeva replied to the king in answer to the question put to him this is called vasudeva no only to say in simple sentence you could have said what what did the shukur dev tell next and he has said this this is the light you have hardness certainly you have heard about god heard about god the holy company so that should inspire you did you get it if it is not life is meaningless now this third fourth chapter will start we'll start from the fourth chapter third chapter is given dedicated to this purposeful living otherwise what is the meaning of life i is what it is meaning if it does not see god yes if it does not hear the lord tongue it does not have the prasad of the lord no and it does not touch the feet of the lord or the dust of the devotee's feet what is the meaning of this life so that is the way it described the glory of this life so we end here in the 3rd chapter 2 2 3 it is called two two three two two second means book the chapter three is completed that way one two twenty five now we'll read next day the fourth chapter that means two four one we'll start there om shanti shanti shanti [Music] so we'll see you in the next class at 7 30 but only we have some questions so it's 2 3 24 right 2 3 n verses 24 2 3 24 book 2 3 chapter verse number 25 it ends in 25 20 not 24. oh the question does bhakti create sanghaskar for next life if you have bhakti in this life will it continue in next life or will it be forgotten no if you practice gita suggest nothing goes in wrong whatever we do it remains in our skull that's a tremendous practice if it is done even if not this life that force swamaskara will help us in the next life and actually our samskaras has brought us here we are talking about this bhagavata and whoever is listening it is not that who is reading and what is written but it is the verses we are reading so the interest of the people where is come why not all only a few people for this listening to this bhagavata it is the tendency they love god so who is speaking is not important what is being spoken what is in the content of the bhagavat they are interested so yes bhakti creates some scholars if you love god anything we do that repeated repeated repeated that creates say everything creates samskara but some becomes deeper when it is done repeatedly once twice twice four times five times no then it becomes a repeated thinking makes a mark in the mind and repeated samaskaras then creates the nature of the person and the nature is the character of the person we say oh he is of that character he is a devotional character who is a very angry character no that means whatever is practiced that retains in us so if you have bhakti in this life yes will it it will continue the next life or all life so it helps us to continue so if you are again suppose you have whole life you have analyzed you will be born with a tendency from the childhood inquiry attitude yes swami vivekananda always inquiring why it is why that why central shiva nature shiva nature is the knowledge aspect more and ramakrishna bhakti bhakti crying and weeping but that does not mean ramakrishna had no ghana but i am saying the predominant aspect as we find is this and one brings another together who has bhakti that bhakti true genuine bhakti generates knowledge also and general bhakti is there it makes you meditate on god more if you love someone naturally you will be thinking of him that is the meditation if you love someone you will do karma for him no if you love someone you want to feed him something do something for him you want to sacrifice yourself or something so that is the benefit of being a whatever we do that it not only encourages that particular aspect of into aspect of our life bhakti devotion or knowledge or karma but it also brings all other aspects together so it's from scaro yes we we create our samskara that's right if we practice more and more and that's why that samaskhara will be inherent and that will help if not in this life when one is born you'll be born in that yogi nang kule in the family of yogis in the family of the bhaktas in the family of the vedantal student i know one of my friend he from the very early days he was reading because his father wanted to be a monk vedanta monk but he could not for some reason in early days people used to get married and things no they have no control so see that he got his from his father when he was even six seven eight years he's talking about what we did now neti neti and viveka churavoni apparakshana bhuti this that he has finished by that time so you know so he became a um embodiment of knowledge as it were whenever he speaks he speaks about vedanta so that's how skaro has been carried out here ah bhakti character characteristic also will be carried out there and the parents also of that nature parents also want that type of child and child also want to be born in such a family so both have a connection there okay om shanti shanti shanti see you at 7 30 in our santigita a spiritual person class avoid conversation you